Friday, August 26, 2011

Too Much Going On

I have lots of pics to update. Baby boy went to Sesame Street live on base and lots of other stuff.

I haven't updated because we had a family emergency. We had to come to the states. Its been rough.

My brother in law Tommy was in a motorcycle accident. He's a Harley mechanic in Texas and had just finished working on a bike and had to take it for a test ride to make sure everything was fixed. They normally take the bikes on a three loop ride to make sure everything is good. Not even through his first loop an idiot in a Trailblazer who wasn't paying attention turned right in front of him. It was so quick and last minute that Tommy didn't even have a chance to react and it caused a major accident.

Tommy has been in ICU for awhile now and has some major injuries. They've had to reconstruct his arm, his artery, has had several blood transfusions and just so much more that I just don't want to explain. He's had a couple surgeries already. Has a very very long road to recovery and once he gets there he'll have a long road of rehabilitation.

My sister is the most amazing person I know. She's amazingly strong through this all. She's the most caring and sweet person ever. She loves Tommy more than anything. She's by his side whenever possible. She's going to do whatever it takes to pay the bills on her own, to make sure he has everything he needs. I don't know how my sis is holding strong, working, and spending all spare time at the hospital, but she's amazing. My mom has moved here to be with her to help her in anyway possible. I'm staying with her for as long as she needs me. I really hope things turn around. I would like to ask you to please pray for them. Pray for Tommy's recovery. Pray that Meg stays strong through it all. Pray for them whenever they cross your mind because this is going to be a long road for them. They need everyones care and support (we are also taking donations for them if you'd like to help out that way as well jsut leave me a message and I'll tell you how).

I miss Tommy's jokes. I miss his teasing. I miss his smile. I miss him with my sister and I miss my sister being happy with him. I pray daily if not hourly for him. Please keep our family in your prayers. It means the world to us if you do.

This is Meg and Tommy. I miss them together like this. I hope and pray that one day they'll be like this again. I pray that he'll be able to say I Love You back to her. That he'll be able to hug and hold her again. I pray that they can lead a "normal" life after this accident and have the life and family they wanted. I pray that we see that smile again. That we hear his crazy sense of humor and have to endure his endless teasing. That he'll be able to hold his nephew again. I pray that he remembers us. I pray for so many things for him. I know things will never be exactly the same but I pray for a better than worse recovery....We miss you Tommy. We hope you get better soon. We love you.