So our first stop was for coffee after sitting in this tiny bus with tiny seats that were totatlly uncomfortable, especially if you have the jolly green giant next to you a.k.a. as my wonderful hubby Jerry. I mean Italians are tiny and everything here is tiny, so my husband is way out of proportion when it comes to anything Italian (even the Italian 2x clothing looks tiny next to him!). I didn't take any pics at this little town that we stopped in. For some reason I was not really picture happy like I normally am (most outings I come home with at least 50 pics!).
Then after a bit more driving we finally were at the brewery. It was rather boring for the two of us since we had just did a tour in June in Germany so it was a repeat of everything we learned before and this tour was twice as long cause our tour guide said everything in Italian and then someone else translated it to English (which we later found out the damn lady spoke English and wasted our time). And then finally they took us to this giant wearhouse and we got to try three different beers and you could drink as much as you could in the time we were there and you could buy tons of souveniers and what not as well. Of course we came home with some beer and gifts for a few friends.
The brewery also has a restuarant so we had lunch there and we had the most amazing meal. The guys drank more and so did everyone else on the trip. I think everyone was pretty good and buzzed, if not drunk when we left that place. And then we were stuck on the bus for a bit longer while we made our way to the next town to try out some grappa and see the grappa museum.
The grappa museum was soooo boring and we had to watch this boring video and look at stuff in glass cases. I honestly don't remember a think about anything we saw, which is bad but I was soooooo bored. After all of that we finally got to try out some grappa and boy was that stuff horrible! Like its some of the most nasty stuff I have ever tried. I really don't recommend it to anyone, but if you want to try it I leave that totally up to you! Once we were doing taste testing (there was at least 7 to try and we only tried 2) we were free to walk around the town and site see. We were in Bassano, Italy and it is just beautiful. While we walked around and took in the sites, everyone else found a bar and drank even more. By the time we left there almost everyone on our trip was totally drunk and annoying. I think this is about the time I was getting annoyed and ready for the trip to just be over!
Once we gathered everyone again, we went on our way to our next destination. We stopped at a vineyard that makes presecco wine. Its a sparkling wine. I didn't much care for it but I guess they use it to make spritzers and stuff as well. I think we tried about 6 glasses of wine while we were there (I didn't drink that much cause some of it just wasn't good). And of course people just got drunker and stupider with each alcohol that was added.
When we were finally done here we went to dinner at the castle. It was really cool. We had to take this tram thing up the side of a mountain to get up there. The view from the top was amazing. Drunk people ended up lost, people got even drunker, and we had to wait entirely too long for food. But it was enjoyable because we enjoyed our time together and hanging out with our friend and his family. I was sooo relieved when we finally got on the bus and headed home though. I was soooo beyond tired and so thankfully we lived less than five minutes from where we were being dropped off. I think we spent a total of 16 hours on that trip that day and it is one we will never take again! We did find a lot of cool places that we would like to go back and visit on our own though.
Ok enough rambling on about our day! Here are the few pics that I took while at the brewery:

Of course the hubby took a pic of a car...ugh...LOL.
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