Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Changes, Changes, Changes...Isn't that what life is all about?!?!

A few months ago I posted that we were moving to Texas and although I would have been excited to move there and live we had a change in plans and will be staying in Florida! Its both a blessing and a disappointment but we're happy to be staying. It would have been a lot of time away from my amazing hubby and we'd have one unhappy little man!

On a great note though we bought a house! We are officially home owners and we love it so far! We bought a brand spanking new house and its pretty freaking awesome if I do say so myself! I just got a new phone and as soon as I can figure out how to post them on here I will!

And guess what its the end of the year and the holiday season! I am thrilled we're in our first home and we get to spend Christmas here! We are having some of our military family over Christmas day and it will be awesome like normal :) Making ham and sides and yummy desserts and we're going to get nice and fat and it will all be worth it! LOL

We haven't finished the Lego  table but it will be done soon! Apparently I don't know how to sand properly and you have to use at least three different types of sanding paper before you can paint! I would have just scrubbed off the old stuff and slapped on some paint and apparently that is WRONG, so I am still impatiently waiting to learn to do it the "right way" LOL. It will look faboulous in the end though I'm sure!!

We have lots of activities coming up that I will definitley post about :) I know many of you have probably been wondering about my amazing little guy who is turning into such an amazing and smart big guy which is heart breaking :( Pics will soon come after our weekend of fun stuff!